Welcome to Your Local Buzz

What’s the idea behind our community website?  Over the years, working with local youth groups, I have found it very difficult to get the word out.  You share on social media, in the paper and radio, put up posters, send emails and add it to your website…whew.  Yet most people still did not hear your message. We want to change this!
Our focus is to be the place to find out “What’s the Buzz” in our communities.
Our goal is to: 
  • Create connections and bring together family, friends, neighbors, visitors and businesses.
  • Support our non-profits by giving them somewhere to share everything about their group and connect them with community members.  Then they can spend more time creating and running their programs and less time trying to let everyone know about it.
  • Help promote local businesses through our directory, flyers, and menus.
  • Share opportunities and options to our residents and the visitors to our region.
  • Keep the content (including all advertising) 100% local. 
We want to BEE the place to go to find out about everything!
That is why viewing the website is FREE and always will be.  
Our “Buzz User Guide” includes our terms and conditions, code of conduct and disclaimer.  It outlines how to access and use the options Your Local Buzz has available to you on or through our website; these are called our “services”.   
If you still have questions, please send us an email or message us.

Your Local Buzz Options

Offering a wide variety for all interests:
  1. Directory Listing: Free (with optional upgrades) with separate directories for:
    • Business
    • Home-Based Business
    • Non-Profits
      • Where does your business go?  See our directory guidelines in “How to Post an Ad - Directory".
  2. Flyers and Menus
  3. “What’s Up?” includes:
    • Event Listings
    • Fundraisers
    • Featured Events and Fundraisers
  4. “Other Buzz” offers:
    • Help Wanted, Jobs and Volunteers Needed
    • More Buzz - Group and Non-profit information and registrations, Feature Photographers, Funday Sunday Puzzles,and MORE!
We hope to inspire you with local photography and entertain you with creative articles from guest writers and weekly themes.  
We are looking for talented writers and photographers.   If you have content that you would like to submit and have promoted, please email us at stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca.

Sign-Up : Your Local Buzz Membership

In order for you to access and use some of our options, you are required to sign-up and become a “Local Buzz Member”.   
Sign-up on the Website in the top right corner; supplying your name, address, email address and a password.  The information you supply in your sign-up must be your own and you alone are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.  You are entirely responsible for all activities that occur under your Local Buzz Membership and this membership is solely for the original member that signed up.  The information you provide upon sign-up will be kept confidential.
By signing up:
You must be at least 18 years of age.  By signing up you are verifying you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under 18 years old, get your parents or guardians permission before sending information about yourself to us.
The email you supply when signing up must be in all lower case letters.
A verification email will be sent after you sign up; this is for added security on the website. 
If you do not receive the email; please check your spam or junk folder.  If you still did not receive the verification email, click the “request another”.  If this does not work for you, please contact us, and we can help you.  Some things are not in our control.  
When signing up you must agree to our Terms and Conditions; which include our Buzz User Guide and Privacy Policy. 

What can you do as a Local Buzz Member?

As a Local Buzz Member you can:
  • Post ads in any of our options.
  • Enquire about posted ads. The ad owner will see your enquiry in their Local Buzz Member dashboard and will receive the enquiry by email.  (eg. The event or fundraiser organizers or the garage sale host.) 
  • Ask for our additional services; found in "Fees & Additional Services Offered"
  • Purchase tickets in fundraisers. (If offered by Your Local Buzz Ticket Sales.) 
  • Access your dashboard. 
On your dashboard you can:
  • Post ads in the Directories, Events, Fundraisers, Help Wanted, Flyers and Menus.  (Basic ads are free to post and added features have fees applied.)
  • Review and sort your ads by approved, pending, under review, rejected or expired.
  • View messages sent to you through inquiries on your ads.
  • See any postings you have added to your favourites.
  • Review any of your orders (including invoice number, order details, date and price).
  • Change your profile and membership details, including updating your password.
  • Access your cart to make payments with e-transfer or Paypal. 

How to Post an Ad - Directory

Posting in Your Local Buzz Directory allows you to add lots of details.   
If you are having problems, please contact us and we can help.  
You must sign-up and be a Local Buzz Member to post an ad. 
Select the Post Ad button. 
Pick which option your ad falls into. 
Directory - Business, Home Business and Non- Profits
Not sure which one to post in? Directory types explained follows the form posting details below.   
Enter the details requested.  Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix *.
  • Ad Details
    • Ad Title* - Your business or non-profit name.
    • Category* - You can only choose one.  If your business falls into more than one category we encourage you to make another posting so your ad appears there as well.
    • Sub-category* - At least 1 required (choose up to 3).
  • Contact Info
    • Email*
    • Phone Number*
    • Website - Your full website address.  When clicked on the user will be directed to your website.
  • Location
    • Street, Address
    • City*
    • Province*
    • Postal Code
    • Embed Map Iframe - This is an interactive map showing your location.  Instructions on how to do this are link here. ??
  • Working Hours
    • Hours for each day can be listed separately or left blank.
  • Social Links - When clicked on the user will be directed to your platform.
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
  • Overview
    • Overview Title* - A catchy title or a few snappy words to describe your business; or your business or non-profit name if you choose.
    • Overview Description* - Use this area to share and highlight details about your product or services.
    • Overview Image* - This image appears next to your description.
  • Gallery - Showcase your product, brand or service through photos; with a maximum of 4 photos.
    • If your business has a menu or flyer you can add it in your photo gallery, but we ask that you also add it to our flyer or menu section to help promote your business.  
    • Coupons are allowed in your photo gallery.  You can also add them in the flyer section of the website. 
    • If you add photos with identifiable people and it was not taken in a public setting; it is your responsibility to ensure you have their permission prior to submitting the photo in your ad. 
    • If you have a weekly or monthly flyer, contact us!  We would love to have it on the website. 
  • Others
    • Featured Image or Logo* - This image is visible in the directory listing; your logo is preferred.  It is also the image used in the feature ad upgrade.
  • Promote Your Ad* Your Choices:  Basic Free, or Paid Premium, Feature Ad or Feature Ad PLUS. Paid options: 
    • Premium:
      • The premium ad brings your listing to the top of your directory sub-category to get your posting more visibility. (It is set up like a waterfall; newest premium ads on the top). 
      • Premium also allows you the option of adjusting your ad content each month. (Simply by contacting us; we will give you access to make changes.)
    • Featured Ad - Includes the Basic Ad details plus: 
      • Upload of your listing into the website. 
      • Your ad will be highlighted on the "Feature Ads" section on the website.
      • When your feature ad is clicked on; it will direct the user to your business/non-profit directory page.
      • Allows you the option of adjusting your ad content weekly. (Simply by contacting us; we will give you access to make changes.)
Directory types explained: 
  • Business Listing – A business that sells goods or services for profit from a fixed location, not in the owner's home.  
  • Home-Based Business Listing– A home-business has its primary office in the owner’s home.  The business can be of any size or type as long as it is operated out of the home.  Included in this are creators (e.g. crafters and woodworking), direct sales (i.e. Avon and Seint), food (e.g. bakers and caterers) and services (e.g. house cleaners and yard maintenance).  The intent of this separate directory is to have somewhere for small businesses to advertise what products or services they are offering. 
  • Non-Profit Listing - Organizations where all money earned goes right back into running the organization; not for profit.  Included in this listing are charities. 
These are not allowed in the Directory for Business or Home-Business:
  • Surrogate/ adoption/ donor services.
  • Massage services posted by anyone who is not a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT).
  • Adult, erotic or sexual services of any kind including but not limited to; bachelor parties, webcaming, modelling, photography, escort and prostitution.
  • Model or photography service ads which do not offer a professional website or portfolio.
  • Financial lending service ads which do not offer company information such as business name, address and phone number.

How to Post an Ad - Event

Posting an event on Your Local Buzz is quick and easy! 
Promote your event as soon as its planned.
You must sign-up and be a Local Buzz Member to post an ad. 
Couple of rules on Events: 
  • All events must be open to the public. (NO private events).
  • Online events (such as zoom) need to be hosted by a local business or non-profit.
  • Registrations or open houses are not considered events, unless they are for 1-3 days.  Please contact us to have your information shared in the More Buzz section.
  • Reoccurring events (e.g. weekly) must be posted by the day not the full duration of the program/event running.  Please contact us to have your information shared in the More Buzz section.
  • Garage Sales can be posted in the events as long as they are no more than 4-days in length.
Select the Post Ad button and choose Events. 
Enter the details requested.  Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix *.
  1. Events
    • Event Details
    • Event Title*
    • Image* - Your event poster, logo or image of your choice.
    • Description* - Start with a short captivating description of your event and then go on to tell the audience all the details.  The short description shows on the main event listing page next to your event image.
    • Event Start Date*
    • Event End Date*
    • Event Start Time*
    • Event End Time*
  2. Contact Info - To contact the event host.
    • Email*
    • Phone Number*
  3. Event Location
    • Street, Address*
    • City*
    • Province*
    • Postal Code*
  4. Social Links -When clicked on the user will be directed to your platform.
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
  5. Promote Your Ad - When you want your ad to display on the Website. 
    • Post Start Date*
    • Post End Date*
  6. Feature Ad Upgrade - Optional paid upgrade.
    • Featured Start Date
    • Featured End Date
This is when you want your feature ad to display; it can be a different timeline than your basic free ad.  For example; your event might be 2 months away, you can post it starting today till the event date on the basic ad and put the feature ad for the last 2 weeks before your event.
Note: The image displayed as your feature ad is the same image you choose as your “Image” under “Event Details”. 
We suggest using your event poster for your feature image. 
Perks of the Featured Ad - Add-on a "Feature-Ad" to promote your event even further. 
Along with your listing in the events:
• Your Feature Ad will be highlighted on Your Local Buzz home page for additional exposure.  It will be displayed in the “Event Feature Ads” or (when these designated areas are full) to the inner Event Feature Ad page (It is set up like a waterfall; newest feature ads on the top).
• When your feature ad is clicked on; it will direct the user to your event details page.

How to Post an Ad - Fundraiser

Posting a fundraiser on Your Local Buzz will help you get the word out! 
A few items to note for Fundraisers:
Allowable fundraisers need to be:
  • Hosted by non-profit associations, groups or charities.  
  • Hosted by a local business who is donating all proceeds to a reputable non-profit organization or charity.
Allowable raffles inlcude:
  • AGLC sanctioned raffles (Needs an AGLC licence) e.g. Raffles, 50/50 & square boards.
  • BBQ’s, Bottle Drives, Bake Sales, etc.
NOT allowable are:
  • Go-fund Me’s
  • Fundraisers for personal or business profit
Not sure about your fundraiser? please contact us at stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca
Our services offer Local Buzz Ticket Sales. If you are interested, please check the “Ticket Sales” box when you are filling out the form to post your fundraiser.  We will contact you to go over the details and options.  We are here to help you make your fundraiser a success.
You must sign-up and be a Local Buzz Member to post an ad. 
Select the Post Ad button and choose Fundraiser.
Enter the details requested.  Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix *
  1. Fundraiser Details
    • Fundraiser  Title* - What your fundraiser is called; do not add your group or business name, it is entered further down the form and will appear under the fundraiser title.
    • Image* - The fundraiser poster or logo.
    • Description* -  Start with a short captivating description of your fundraiser and then go on to share all the details.  The short description shows on the main event listing page next to your event image.
    • Fundraiser  Start Date*
    • Fundraiser  End Date*
    • Fundraiser  Start Time*
    • Fundraiser End Time*
  2. Contact Info - To contact the fundraiser organizer.
    • Email
    • Phone Number*
  3. Fundraiser Location
    • Street, Address
    • City*
    • Province*
    • Postal Code
  4. Social Links - When clicked on the user will be directed to your platform.
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
    • Instagram
  5. Other
    • Logo Title* - The organization or business name.
    • Featured or Logo Image* - The fundraiser poster or logo.  Make this different from your “Image” under “Fundraiser Details.” 
  6. Ticket Info - Get us to help with your fundraiser by selling tickets on your behalf for a minimal fee per ticket sold.  Contact us for more details.
    • I want Your Local Buzz to sell tickets on our behalf.*
    • I do not want Your Local Buzz to sell tickets on our behalf.*
    • Number of tickets allocated for Your Local Buzz to sell.
  7. Promote Your Ad - When you want your ad to display on the Website.
    • Post Start Date*
    • Post End Date*
  8. Feature Ad Upgrade - Optional paid upgrade.  When you want your feature ad to display (This can be a different timeline than your basic free ad.  For example; your fundraiser might be 2 months away, you can post it starting today till the fundraiser date on the basic ad and put the feature ad for the last 2 weeks before your fundraiser.)
    • Featured Start Date
    • Featured End Date
Add-on a feature ad to promote your fundraiser even further.  Along with your listing in the fundraisers:
• Your ad will be highlighted on Your Local Buzz home page for additional exposure.  It will be displayed in the “Fundraiser Feature Ads” or (when these designated areas are full) to the inner Fundraiser Feature Ad page (It is set up like a waterfall; newest feature ads on the top).
• When your feature ad is clicked on; it will direct the user to your fundraiser details page. 
Note: The image displayed as your feature ad is the same image you choose as your “Image” under “Fundraiser Details”.   We suggest using your fundraiser poster for your feature image. 

How to Post an Ad- Help Wanted

Please review the details on jobs or help wanted which are prohibited from being advertised on Your Local Buzz prior to posting at the bottom of the instructions on how to post.
Select the Post Ad button. 
Enter the details requested. Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix*.
  1. Job Details
    • Job Title - Quick description of what you are looking for.
    • Image - Your business or non profit logo.
    • Description - Describe the positions requirements.
    • Company Name - Business or non-profit name.
    • Category - Select the Jobs & Help Wanted
    • Job Type - Choose the type that best describes the position; full time, part time, casual, contract, temporary, or volunteer.
  2. Contact Info
    • Phone - The phone number the applicant can contact you; no spaces or dashes.
    • Email - The email the applicant can contact you. 
  3. Social Links - Enter any you have; if you have none, leave blank.
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Pintrest
    • Instagram
  4. Promote Your Ad (Please select your package)
    • Job Posting Start Date
    • Job Posting End Date (This will appear as "Apply Before" on the website.
    • Your Choices - Check off this box. 
In the job posting listing on the website, applicants will be able to contact you.  All inquiries will come from a Local Buzz Member who's email has been verified.
They can send you the following information that will appear in your dashboard:
  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Message
  • PDF Resume Upload (optional) - Please note, this document is only visible to the poster of the ad.  
Those applying for jobs through Your Local Buzz:
  • You must sign up and be a Local Buzz Member 
  • Never include personal information in a resume; driver's license number or social insurance number.
  • Include a contact number and/or email where you can always be reached.
Details on jobs or help wanted which are prohibited from being advertised:
  • Jobs that require upfront or periodic payments or pyramid schemes.
  • Jobs that pay only commissions. (Unless the ad makes it clear that the only source of compensation would be commission and the product or service that would be sold is clearly described.)
  • Job postings that are not clear regarding what type of work would be required.
  • Jobs that involve sexual activities.
The following are also prohibited:
  • Requiring a photo for an application is prohibited.
  • Discriminating against disability, race, national or ethnic origin, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status and pregnancy.

How to Post an Ad - Flyers

The flyer section is for business or home-business product promotion, specials, and sales.
Flyers can not be posted for longer than 30 days, and repeat content flyers are not permitted.
There are advertising fees for flyer posting; it is per day. 
If you need help creating your flyer, this is a service we offer, and it includes upload to the website.  Contact us for this service. 
You can choose to post a 1 or 2-page flyer, coupons or a multipage flyer (more than 2).
Flyer Options A-C: You can choose one or all these options.   
Note that all options can all have different valid through dates displayed, but if you choose more than one option in your post, they will all have the same posting dates.
With each option chosen, the start and end dates are mandatory.
All flyers and coupons must have the business name on it.
You must sign-up and be a Local Buzz Member to post an ad.
Select the Post Ad button and choose Flyer.
Enter the details requested.  Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix *
  1. Flyer Details
    • Business Name*
    • Business Logo*
  2. Contact Info
    • Contact Name*
    • Email*
    • Phone*
  3. Flyer Option A (1 or 2-Page Flyer) Choose check box. Flyer Start Date
    • Flyer End Date*
    • Flyer Image*
    • Add new: If you have a 2nd image.
  4. Flyer Option B (Coupon) Choose check box.
    • Coupon Start Date*
    • Coupon End Date*
    • Coupon Image*
    • Add new: If you have more than one coupon.
  5. Flyer Option C (Multiple Page Flyer) Choose check box.
    • Flyer Start Date*
    • Flyer End Date*
    • Flyer Image* - Can be the front page of your flyer or logo.
    • Website Link - Check yes or no.
    • Website Link - This will be displayed and when clicked on, the user will be directed to your flyer location.
  6. Promote Your Ad
    • Post Start Date*
    • Post End Date*
    • Your Choices
    • Flyer Display* - Duration and price displayed for your posting. 

How to Post an Ad - Menu

Share your menus big or small, take out or dine in.  Posting your menu is free!
The menu section is restricted to commercial food establishments or catering businesses which are following the Alberta Health Services guidelines.  
You must sign-up and be a Local Buzz Member to post an ad. 
You have the ability to post your menu in several ways. 
There are 3 menu sections on the viewing page:
  1. Menu Section 1 appears at the top of the viewing page.
  2. Menu Section 2 appears in the middle of the viewing page.
  3. Menu Section 3 appears at the bottom of the viewing page.   
Use the “Preview Menu” button to see what your posting will look like and make adjustments prior to posting.
For example:
  • You can put your entire menu under Menu Section 1 with titles and images for appetizers, soups and salads, mains, sides and desserts.  And you can add your Specials in Section 2.
  • You can separate your Breakfast menu in Menu Section 1, put your Lunch menu in Section 2 and Dinner menu in Section 3. 
Select the Post Ad button and choose Menu.
Enter the details requested.  Mandatory fields are shown with an asterix *
  1. Menu Details
    • Business Name*
    • Featured or Logo Image* - This image is visible on the main menu page; your logo is preferred.
  2. Contact Info
    • Phone*
  3. Location
    • Street, Address*
    • City*
    • Province*
    • Postal Code*
  4. Menu Section 1 - This is displayed at the top of your menu viewing page.
    • Menu Heading* - Enter your “Business Name - Menu Title”
    • Menu Title - You can name your image according to what part of your menu you are displaying. (ex. Appetizers, Sandwiches)
    • Menu Image- You can add up to 9 images here.
  5. Menu Section 2 - Displayed in the middle of your menu viewing page.  If you add an image to this section, it is best practice to add all the details asked for.
    • Menu Heading- Enter your “Business Name - Menu Title”
    • Menu Title -  Name your image according to what part of your menu you are displaying. (ex.Breakfast Specials, Weekly Specials)
    • Menu Image - You can add up to 9 images here.
  6. Menu Section 3 - Displayed at the bottom of your menu viewing page.  If you add an image to this section, it is best practice to add all the details asked for.  Note: You can add a coupon to this Menu Section. (Advertising fees may be required prior to ad posting approval.  Contact us for more information.)
    • Menu Heading - Enter your “Business Name - Menu Title”
    • Menu Title - Again name your image according to what part of your menu you are displaying. (ex. Desserts, Drinks)
    • Menu Image - You can add up to 3 images. 
  7. Promote Your Ad:
    • Post Start Date*
    • Post End Date*
    • Your Choices
      • Menu Display* - Duration and price displayed for your posting.

Fees & Additional Services Offered 

Accessing the website to view our content; free & always will be. 
Our goal is to have very affordable advertising for everyone posting and encourage sharing of information.  
Home Page Rotator Banner (under Events) 
  • Business Logo $10/month or $100/year
  • Basic Ad -
    • FREE - Options 180 days, 360 days
  • Premium Ad - 
    • 90-days $10
    • 180-days $20
    • 360-days $30
What does Premium get you? Basic Ad Plus:
Brings your ad to the top of your directory sub-category to get your ad more visibility.  (Set up like a waterfall; newest premium ads on the top.)
Allows you the option of adjusting your ad content each month. (Simply by contacting us; we will give you access to make changes.) 
  • Featured Ad - 
    • 60-day for $20
    • 90-day for $30
      What does a Featured Ad get you? 
Along with your listing in our directory as your choice of the basic or premium ad: 
  • Your ad will be highlighted on Your Local Buzz home page for additional exposure.    It will be displayed in the “Directory Feature Ads” or (when these designated areas are full) the inner “Directory Feature Ad” page (It is also set up like a waterfall; newest feature ads on the top).  When your feature ad is clicked on; it will direct the user to your business or non-profit directory page.
  • Gives you the option of adjusting your ad content weekly. (Simply by contacting us; we will give you access to make changes.)
Events & Fundraiser
These are free to post!
You can add-on a "Feature Ad" to promote your Event or Fundraiser even further.
  • Featured Ad - $1/day (duration decided by you; minimum 7 day promotion)
What does the Feature Ad get you?
Along with your listing in the events:
  • Your Feature Event/Fundraiser Ad will be highlighted on Your Local Buzz home page for additional exposure.  It will be displayed in the “Event or Fundraiser Feature Ads” or (when these designated areas are full) the inner Event or Fundraiser Feature Ad page (It is set up like a waterfall; newest feature ads on the top).
  • When your feature ad is clicked on; it will direct the user to your event or fundraiser inner page. 
  • Promotion also on our social media (FB Page & Group, Instagram,  & FB Group) once every 7-10 days.
  • Please note: This price does not include the creation of your event or fundraiser poster, but we do offer this service.  For your submitted poster, adjustments will be made to ensure the image displays correctly on our platforms and your approval is required prior to posting. 
  • Custom non-profit quotes available.  Contact stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca.
Local Buzz Ticket Sales
Get us to help you with your fundraiser by selling tickets on your behalf for a minimal fee per ticket sold.
Interested? Contact us to discuss your fundraiser. 
Non-Profit Services
  • Upload and promotion of events and fundraisers.
  • Poster, social media posting and ticket design (includes upload and promotion).
  • Social media administration.
Additional services with reasonable pricing to help with your promotion:
  • Set up your directory listing for basic ad $10.
  • Create your flyers, menus or coupons and upload to the website. 
  • Update your flyers to keep them current. (weekly fee please inquire).
  • Help make your fundraiser a success with advertising and Local Buzz Ticket Sales.
  • Help with marketing your business a little or a lot:
    • Create your directory listing.
    • Maintain and update your business listing regularly.
    • Update your flyers to keep them current.
    • Create and promote coupons.
    • Post your event, fundraiser, job listing or garage sale for you for $5 per posting.
    • Need other help...contact me. 
Don’t see what you were thinking of? 
Contact us by email at stacey@yourlocalbuzz. ca or through our message app on the Website. 

Submisson Specifics

Local content only.  All submissions must be located in the Lac La Biche region; which consists of all areas in the Lac La Biche County, the communities of Grassland, Atmore and Wandering River.  All areas outside this are inadmissible.
Pictures and Images requirements and restrictions:
  • No GIFs (these will be uploaded as a static image)
  • No Videos
  • Maximum size 2 MB per picture
    • If your image is too large; open the free image compressor online: Image Compress 
  • File types are JPG and PNG images
    • If you have a heic. file; you can convert your image online: Heic to Jpg
  • Dimension preferences (pixels): 
    • Event Images: 1887w x 1415h 
    • Fundraiser Images: 195w x 250h
    • Menu Logo: 1200w x 681h
    • Flyer Logo: 200w x 200h
If you are not under the requirements; by submitting your ad you are giving Your Local Buzz permission to adjust the image to meet these requirements for optimum website viewing and performance. 

Payment Details

  • If your ad posting (referenced as “submission”) has a fee charged with it, this fee will be visible on the submission form and in your cart.
    • There are a few restrictions in allowable postings.  For example, coupons in the directory and raffle links in fundraisers.  Please refer to the how to post section for your ad. 
    • We will contact you prior to ad approval if there are any additional fees for services offered. 
  • All fees are required to be paid prior to your ad being uploaded for display on Your Local Buzz website or shared on our social media. We will do our best to have ads reviewed in a timely manner.
  • All fees for additional services will be added to the user’s cart for completion of payment. 
  • Any fees paid are non-refundable and not transferable.
  • All fees are in Canadian dollars and the Goods and Services Tax is not applicable.
  • For ads posted where fees are paid, the ad is approved and posted on the website and the user decides to remove the ad prior to expiry
    • Contact us by email with your request.
    • There will be no refund of fees paid for the ad.
  • For all submissions posted on the Website; the user or organization posting the ad is solely responsible to collect any funds and or fees associated with the posting.  The Website does not collect or refund any funds or fees on your behalf.
  • Where tickets are for sale on the Website by Local Buzz Ticket; we have been authorized on behalf of that organization to offer a designated number of tickets to our users and to collect these fees associated with these tickets.  All ticket fees collected are non-refundable.
Payment Data
With submissions to our Services, you may need to provide certain financial information in order to enable the processing of payments. We will collect the data we need in order to process that purchase (for example, payment details). Your financial information is collected and stored by our third party payment processing companies, and use and storage of that data is governed by the third party payment processor’s applicable privacy policy.  Other financial payment (e-transfers) details collected are solely used for the transactions authorized by the owner of the financial account.

Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions are found here Your Local Buzz Terms & Conditions


Your Local Buzz reviews all ad submissions before being posted on the Website or shared on our social media.  Through our verification process, we review to make sure the submission falls within the details outlined in our “Buzz User Guide” and our Terms and Conditions.   
We do not guarantee the accuracy or authenticity of the information collected in the submissions and displayed on our website.  
We do not accept any responsibility for monitoring Your Local Buzz for unacceptable content or unauthorized content including what we have outlined in our Buzz User Guide and Terms and Conditions. 
We have the right, through our own discretion, to refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any of our policies or is in any way harmful or objectionable.  We can do this without notice.  This includes deleting and banning any user. 
By submitting to our Services  (once approved and posted on the website) you are giving Your Local Buzz permission to share all or some of the content in your post on our social media sites.
If you have any questions please email us at stacey@yourlocalbuzz.ca 

Terms of Use - Reference

Your Local Buzz - www.yourlocalbuzz.ca 
Your Local Buzz Service Area
Ardmore, Athabasca, Atmore, Avenier, Briereville, Breynat, Bonnyville, Boyle, Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Caslan, Colinton, Conklin, Craigend, Fork Lake, Goodfish Lake, Grassland, Glendon, Hylo, Kehewin, Kikino, Kikino Metis Settlement, Maillag, Newbrook, La Corey, Lac La Biche, McRae, Normandeau, Owl River, Plamondon, Rich Lake, Smoky Lake, Spedden, St. Paul, Venice, Wandering River.
Premium Ad
Promoted Ads available in the Directory.
Featured Ad
Promoted Ads available in the Directory, Event or Fundraiser.
Local Buzz Promotions
Additional promotions available that appear on our website under "What's Happening in Your Local Buzz" and on our social media (FB Page, FB Group & Instagram).
Options available from Your Local Buzz.
Local Buzz Member or User
Once you sign-up to the website.
Submission or Submitting
Posting or submitting an ad.
The poster of an ad to events or fundraisers
Third Party Service Provider
Anyone other than Your Local Buzz
Directory, Events, Fundraisers, Garage Sales, Help Wanted, Flyers and Menus
Claim your listing
Email sent to the owner of directory listings added by Your Local Buzz admin.
Directory Home Business
A home-business has its primary office in the owner’s home.
Flyer Section
Flyers open to all types of merchandise.
Order (In your dashboard)
Postings that you have made (free or paid).
Renew your directory ad.
3 days prior to expiring, the “renew” button appears on your ad in your dashboard; you can renew without having to repost.
Embed Map Iframe
Interactive map of your location.
Embed Map Iframe instructions:
- Open Google Maps
- Go to the directions, map or Street View you'd like to embed.
- In the top left, click Menu
- Click Sare or Embed Map
- Click Embed Map
- To the left of the text box, pick the size you want by clicking the down arrow.
- Copy the text in the box. Paste it into the Embed Map Iframe box on the form.